neue Deluxe
… or deluxe, does Strategy & Design – connected. He works with us since before the beginning and is an incredible partner in the development of the aesthetics & CI & right words.
… does dramaturgy and is a inspiration to matters happening in the world.
… does Project Management. She works with us since many years in various positions and projects. She sorts our brains and saves us with Excel.
… does Project Management. She works with us since many years in every single possible capacity – learning new things and complex constellations are her thing.
… is a set-designer. We have been working together since the beginning and it is always wonderful working together and meeting each other.
… is our secret weapon. Actrss, Author, Dramaturg, Researcher, sparring of critical issues and a great friend.
… does Production-Design. He works with us since many years and magically transforms boring spaces into an inspiration.
… is a show caller. She has been working with us for many years and is great – and such a friend! 🙂
… does show calling. She is working for quite some time, is incredibly precise and wonderful to work with.
DK-Production GmbH
… does creative technical video planning and networks. He works with us for many years and is a safe bet, when it comes to anything noone else understands.
… does dramaturgy (!). He has been on our side since the beginning. A great partner for sparring direction, analyzing the changing world, and discussing the world with a glass of wine. AND: he is an incredible dramaturg.
… another secret weapon. Dramaturg, Journalist, Social Media Specialist, sparring of critical issues and a great friend.
… does Project Management. She works with us for some time now. She jumps into any situation, when we are in need and always lifs us up 🙂
… does show calling and direction. He is working for us on the more complex, staged productions and is a true extension of our aesthetics.
… does Project Management and Strategy. He has been with us from the beginning and helps us drive our strategic fields of action.
… are doing Sounddesign und immersive Sound as well as fixed installations. They have transformed with us over the years and are always a driver for new thought.
… does Project Management. She works with us since before the beginning and mostly does the things, we really don’t know how to do.
Event director, process designer, coach. Founding member and now very close member of our network. Loves to develop content and strategies with us and to co-creatively drive topics forward.
… is our graphic designer. She helps us in almost every project and is just simply great!
… is a show caller and camera director and just simply a director. With him we have always been reflecting on projects and looked into past and future.
… is an interactive designer – a mixture of a techy and an artist and a true inspiration.
… travels the world by now, but reappears every once in a while as a show caller or in media production – mostly though, he is a great friend!
… is a secret weapon. Since the very beginning – a beginning that lies way back – she has been our costume designer, then set designer, then project manager, then content lead and by now everything and whatever is fun.
B.A. Orient- und Asienwissenschaften,
M.A. Game Developement and Research
I love stories. And I do love games! Join me on a journey where everything is possible and where we explore the blurred line between reality and imagination.
Diploma Contemporary Dance
What I love about my work is the constant learning. There are always new relevant topics, that I can immerse myself in and many inspiring people that I get to meet. So the world around me opens up bit by bit and I get to be part of shaping our future together.
B.A. Event Management
Communication is the key. Not only in management, but also to relieve the natural pressure that comes with complex events and tight schedules. With my in-depth knowledge of event management and organizing people and topics, coupled with a pinch of humor, I try to support everyone involved.
Dipl.Ă–kon. and MBA
It’s so inspiring, that there is so much to think about, to do, to explore, to learn in our changing world. My access? Two simple questions: Finding out WHY things are meaningful for stakeholders. Then asking WHY NOT to do it, and go beyond to create an innovative impulse.
M.A. Political Science and Contemporary History
You can only learn from history, so it’s all about good (hi)story(ies) – especially when its content is translated into immersive spatial experiences. There’s nothing better than working with a creative team to turn such projects into reality! That’s what drives me.
B.A. Tourism Management
Every creative team requires someone to manage organizational and administrative tasks behind the scenes. At onliveline, that’s me. And working with this inspiring, open-minded team transforms even mundane tasks into enjoyable experiences.
M.A. Management Non-Profit Organisations
I believe that fostering co-creative and never-ending learning environments cultivates our capacity for constant adaptation. And by creating adaptive systems, we can develop skills for our continuously changing world.
The beauty of VR experiences is in the emotions they generate. By creating immersive and impressive environments, I can support the vision of our creative colleagues and customers in an unprecedented way. Visitors become protagonists; changes become tangible.
B.A. Liberal Arts
We are constantly changing and evolving, and I firmly believe that development must be personal as much as collective. I want to be a partner in this, for my team and for our customers. Let’s go on this journey together!
MBA Eventmarketing (extra-occupational)
Diving into stories is the focus of my work. And in each one there is a change – discovering these turning points and bringing them in an understandable way to the outside world for motivating and inspire people, is what drives me.
M.A. International Business Management – Digital Transformation
The world is changing and so do we. With my passion for new technologies, I encourage to implement new communication methods, with a particular emphasis on embracing the potential of virtual reality.
MBA, and MFA in Dramaturgy / Directing
I love watching and finding stories in life and translate them into meaningful, powerful strategic storylines, by inviting everyone to join telling them. I admire and strive for bravery, that allows for innovating and breaking patterns. Life is a story. And I try surfin’ on funky ideas.