we are

*Dramaturgs are experts in the structure and effect of narratives.
In times of radical uncertainty – as today – strategic storytelling becomes the essence and core driver of every positioning & transformational process. Therefore, a transformationdramaturg positions and drives transformations with a narrative.



we do
innovative meaningful storytelling

translating complex strategies into understandable and retellable stories,
which give focus, allow to connect, explore, activate and open up learning
paths for individual development.



what we do exactly:

We start with consulting (defining the narrative, the strategic storytelling) and then we set it into action. No matter which activation works best (live, digital, virtual), we tie it into the storytelling and constantly check its effects.

How we work

concept & consulting
detailed concept & development
realisation, coaching & overall lead

how we do it:

we listen

Asking questions and listening to answers, sorting them into a construction, and finally a storyline.

we discuss

We love being a partner on eye-level and discuss the necessary, meaningful issues at hand.

we think brave

We think one step ahead, are rarely afraid, and try our best to have a well informed attitude.

creative heads

We love crazy ideas, creatively bringing things together, inspire, and think outside the box.

we pioneer

We love innovation, love learning new things, drive stories with whatever might be useful.

we learn

Learning is one of our drivers and the essence for an exciting life.

we drive developments

Hey, we are transformation dramaturgs 😉

we tell stories

We sort, give an overview, discover existing connections and create new dots building strong storylines.


our fields of expertise and innovation:



… designs and produces communication strategies and campaigns for companies and research institutions for many years.

Dipl.Ökon. and MBA


Storyteller & Dramaturg – staging, writing, consulting communication campaigns and storylines – and director for over 20 years, especially for walkable, co-created, performed live&digital stories.

MBA, and MFA in Dramaturgy / Directing


some award winning projects:

Our latest stories …